De bezetting van het Maagdenhuis is niet onopgemerkt gebleven in het buitenland. Marxistische studenten uit verschillende landen hebben steunbetuigingen gestuurd, die we hier publiceren.
Hi comrades!
We, in Marxist Students in Denmark, would like to express our solidarity too the students involved in the New University movement. Your struggle is our struggle fight until victory!
Rasmus Jeppesen
On behalf of Marxist Students in Denmark
Camaradas, desde México seguimos con atención su lucha que es una inspiración. Enviamos una primer muestra de solidaridad desde el Instituto Politécnico Nacional, principal institución de educación técnica del país y que recientemente ha protagonizado una importante huelga de casi tres meses de duración luchando por una educación de cálidad y democrática. En nuestro país también luchamos contra los ataques del Estado y del Narcotráfico quienes han desaparecido desde hace 5 meses a 43 estudiantes normalistas rurales de la escuela de Ayotzinapa.
Saludos solidarios
Hasta la victoria siempre
Su lucha es nuestra lucha
[Kameraden, vanuit Mexico volgen we aandachtig jullie strijd, welke een inspiratie voor ons is. We sturen een eerste teken van solidariteit vanuit het Nationaal Polytechnisch Instituut, het voornaamste instituut van technisch onderwijs in het land, welke recentelijk het strijdtoneel was van een belangrijke drie maanden durende staking waarbij er gestreden werd voor democratisch en kwalitatief goed onderwijs. In ons land strijden we ook tegen de aanvallen van de staat en de drugsbendes, welke 5 maanden geleden 43 studenten hebben doen verdwijnen van de school voor agrarische lerarenopleidingen in Ayotzinapa.
Met solidaire groet
Tot de overwinning altijd
Jullie strijd is onze strijd]
Comité de Lucha Estudiantil del Politécnico
Unión de Estudiantes Revolucionarios
Corriente Marxista Internacional - México
Verenigde Staten:
To the students and workers of the New University movement and the occupied Maagdenhuis,
We, the students and workers of the University of Minnesota (US), stand side by side with you in your struggle for a more democratic and egalitarian university. In our efforts to defend and advance the values of higher learning, we too have had to face a top-down, authoritarian management. We too have had to face the privatization and corporatization of a public university. We also struggle to keep alive departments which do not provide marketable skills to the corporate world. Our faculty and staff also struggle for a living wage and a secure job, for good teaching and research conditions, for respect and a voice at work. Your struggle and your actions are an inspiration to us! Know that students and workers around the world are watching and learning from you and stand beside you!
Support the occupation of the Maagdenhuis!
No to capitalist management!
For the democratic New University!
-Student Labor Action Coalition of the University of Minnesota
-Marxist Student Association of the University of Minnesota
Dear comrades and students,
First and foremost, we want to express our absolute solidarity with the protests taking place at the universities in Amsterdam. Recently we have seen similar developments in countries like Mexico, Spain, China (Hong Kong) etc. which means that the Netherlands is just another country where the capitalist crisis expresses itself through the consciousness of ordinary students and teachers. It's inspiring to read about the stubbornness and fighting spirit of the students and how that contributes to the increased militancy of the labour movement.
Students in Sweden are facing an increasingly tougher situation as well, with lack of housing and huge debts mounting up, so we can relate to your frustration and feel that we are part of the same struggle. We will follow the developments in your country in order to prepare for when the underlying anger turns into mass action here in Sweden as well.
Your struggle for democracy at the universities is an important one. However, it is just one of many arenas where we, the majority, have no say in the running of society, despite doing all the hard work. Democracy under capitalism is for the masses always extremely limited, whereas power for the elite, the capitalists, is never-ending. Therefore, if they keep power in all other areas of society, no matter how many concession we might win at the universities, they will be taken back once the elite feel safe to do so. In order to really win the battle for real democracy, the struggle has to be turned into a struggle for peoples' power in all of society – we have to struggle for democratic socialism.
Forward to victory! No concessions to the bosses and the government!
Long live the struggle of the Dutch students and teachers!
The Marxist Student Federation of Sweden